About Us
About Us
Hello, I'm Leticia Momesso, the founder of Peperômia Urbana.
With 18 years of regular meditation practice, my goal is to increase people's awareness by promoting a nature-connected lifestyle, even in urban settings.
My programs blend cutting-edge science with ancient traditions, offering proven strategies for self-rescue.
I believe that we feel Natural Happiness when we are in constant growth with kindness and self-love.
And I believe that this is exactly what brings the basis and the consciousness to create another world, more integrated, in harmony with Nature and better for all.
I understand we are consciousness borrowing the molecules from Earth to have this journey here...
...and, as Earth is an absolutely abundant being, so are we in our nature.
That's what growth means to me: to find our way back to who we are.
And I believe that once we're aligned back with our nature, Natural Happiness hatches.
Then we live better, the ones around us live better, the world becomes better.
That's what our trainings are about.
Courses taken:
Positive Intelligence - Prof. Shirzad Chamine, from Stanford University
Add Heart Facilitator - HeartMath Institute
TFT - TFTBrasil
Certified Business Coach - Evercoach by Mindvalley
Access Bars Facilitator - Access Consciousness
PNL Master Practitioner - Projeto Nascente, now IPPNL
Bioenergy, Aura and Chakras - IPPB
Radiestesia - Prof. Tatiana Rodello
The Philosophy of Yoga - Prof. Enki Mingrone
Alchemy - Prof. Wesley Nunes
Mediumship and Spirituality - Prof. Maísa Intelisano
Dentistry - UNIP
...among other studies _ on Spirituality, the Universal Laws, Mind over Matter, Marketing, Branding, Communication, Psychology, Nature and how it works _ for the last 18 years.
Favorite Books:
Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
Illusions - Richard Bach
A Hundred Days Between Sea and Sky - Amyr Klink
Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Spontaneous Evolution - Bruce Lipton e Steve Bhaerman
Ask and It is Given - Esther e Jerry Hicks
...e the authors Amit Goswami, Gregg Braden, Lynne MacTaggart, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Fritjof Capra, Neville Goddard (and others... crazy about books).
The mind is a Subtil Garden
where we plant our Reality.
Leticia Momesso
©since 2010 (more than a decade connecting people and nature)
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Peperômia Urbana é criada com coração pela Leticia Momesso